
Totaling the average for a field

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer


I am creating a time to value metric reporting system. I created a formula that calculates the days in between the student's enrollment date and the date they submitted their first milestone in our course. I would like to find the average (total average days for all students) for all the days in the "Number of Days to Submit Goals Worksheet" Formula field (please see below).

Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 3.17.28 PM.png

1 Reply 1

Hi Lydia, if you just need to see the number, you can click at the bottom of your column and it to "Average", which should get you what you're looking for

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 3.41.31 PM.png

If you need to actually use the number (e.g. sending it in an email), I'm afraid you'll need to either:
1. Link all of your records to a single record in another table and use a rollup formula there
2. Use a script (Pro plan only)