Apr 10, 2020 01:25 PM
Hi guys
I’m trying to use the formula IF to return some values. This is my example:
I have 4 conditions, wich are the number of words that a text must have:
And to each one I have a specific value
I tried to use the formula that I use in Google Sheets: =IF({number of words}=500;30;IF({number of words}=1000;45;IF({number of words}=2000;55)))
I tried to use this way but it returns error. How could I use this formula in my case?
Apr 10, 2020 01:55 PM
The Airtable syntax is a little different, but they’re nearly identical.
IF({number of words}=500,30,IF({number of words}=1000,45,IF({number of words}=2000,55)))
Here’s that code refactored:
Apr 10, 2020 02:31 PM
Thanks, Zollie.
It worked! :slightly_smiling_face: