
Re: What 3rd party formula editors you use for Airtable?

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Is there any 3rd party formula editor that would show the parts of Airtable formula in different font?

e.g. IF formula
IF - would be one color
formula conditions - would be another color
field names - field names in the formulas would be different color
“text” - text between “” would be in different color
brackets - bracket pairs would be in different color and when I touch the bracket, the paired bracket would glow.

Formula editor should give me basic error correction e.g. show missing brackets.

If miniextensions had a better formula editor for Airtable with error checking, I would be willing to shell out the $39 per month for it.

4 Replies 4

I use the code editor Atom to edit my formulas, which is free.

As far as I know there is no published grammar for Airtable formulas, so you would not be able to get exact color coding and syntax checking. However, I find that Atom’s color coding and bracket matching to be good enough for me. I also am fairly strict in my use of white space to make things more human readable.

Got it. Downloaded it and wasn’t first obvious, it was asking me many questions but I found to turn on the style to do the colors. That made me look into my existing CotEditor (also on MacOS) and found the same. All I needed is to add styles and theme to make it useable. The one thing I didn’t see in Atom is it doesn’t glow the corresponding bracket when I touch one of the brackets in the pair. Maybe I missed that. My eyes gone hurt less now.

I really like Nova.

Atom does bracket matching, but it is just a subtle underline of the matching brackets when the cursor is by a bracket. The Bracket Matcher package also has a keyboard shortcut for jumping to a matching bracket (Ctrl+M), and a host of other bracket matching features.

Really, any code editor should suffice.