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Re: Consultant Request

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Basic bases are in place, but I know they can do more. I have a few projects in mind:

(1) I have a form set up for third-party questions/responses. I need to be able to forward those responses to my client for review and the client be able to click a checkbox to approve, which then comes back to us.

(2) I have different client bases to track new projects for each. I would like new projects automatically entered into on comprehensive base archive of all projects.

…there could be more.

6 Replies 6
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hey Jennifer -
this project sounds very do-able - we can setup a workflow system to allow you to have sign-off from the client while keeping all the responses secure. We have a created a very similar setup using Airtable as a database with a front-end which could allow clients to approve questions as you mentioned.

We have a very flexible approach to working with clients, would love to tell you more, please reach out to me at and check out our website for more information and case studies at


Not applicable

Hi Jennifer,

Welcome to the Airtable Community!

I’d be happy to discuss some ideas with you, as well as getting a better understanding of how the Airtable will be an asset to your team and business.

Once we’ve discussed your vision and goals, I can then provide you an accurate price and timeframe to get the project started!

Schedule a free phone consultation via this link:

To learn a little more about myself, please visit my website:

If you’d like to connect with me on LinkedIn, please do so here:

I look forward to hearing form you!



I can help. Please check PM.

Jennifer J

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hello Jennifer,
We would be keen to help and I have sent you a DM with more information.
I look forward to speaking with you,

8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

Hi Jennifer,
What you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise and I would be happy to help you out on this.
You can reach me on
Best Wishes,

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi Jennifer,

Would love to chat more about what you’re looking to achieve here.