Jul 15, 2020 08:49 AM
I’m looking for a third-party service that can assist in moving an entire CRM database from Salesforce into Airtable. I don’t think it’s as simple as a basic CSV import, as the database has a lot of records linked across tables as well as a lot of files associated with individual records. Is there any service that exists for this, whether automated or manual?
Jul 15, 2020 08:54 AM
Hello Alex
Hope you are doing great
I can help you with your requirement please connect me through Skype :-aaron.cis
and email :-aaron@cisinlabs.com
waiting for your response
Aaron L
Jul 15, 2020 09:12 AM
Hi Alex,
There is no automated service for this as you would need to design the database and relationships in Airtable. As for the files, there is a file size limit on Airtable, so a good approach would be to store those files in another location (e.g. Google Drive) and put a link to those files.
I have sent you a private message on Airtable and hope to get in touch with you soon.
Best Regards,