Aug 24, 2016 05:03 PM
I run a cabinet manufacturing company. We currently use printed out spreadsheets for everything. I would like a tidy database that could manage our “jobs”. I’ll try to outline how it would work here:
I would like a database in which we store all of our option prices by plan and project. Each price will be unique for that particular plan on that particular project.
The rep would be able to generate a sequence (item 4 above) and a “breakdown” (item 5 above) based on the database.
We would then be able to look up the sequence and see each item selected for the particular lot.
Let me know if this makes sense, if you’re interested in helping with it, or if it seems outrageously difficult. I already have a start on some of it, but would be interested in having some help.
Aug 24, 2016 05:41 PM
I’d love to take a look at your existing spreadsheets, or at least a few plans from your existing spreadsheet. Everything sounds like it could be done pretty quick and easy, except I’m not super clear on the plans and options.
Aug 25, 2016 03:31 PM
Awesome! Let me send you some spreadsheets. They will be:
Spreadsheet A - a typical “breakdown”
Spreadsheet B - a typical “sequence”
Hopefully you’ll see that spreadsheet A has the different Plans and their options, and Spreadsheet B has the pricing. Think of it like a car model and their options: Plan A = Ford Focus. Options are upgraded stereo, leather interior.
Turns out I can’t add the spreadsheets, and I can only save one image! So thwarted.
Aug 25, 2016 03:38 PM
Let me try to add the other spreadsheet image!