
RFP to Develop Database for Small Non-profit Project

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4 - Data Explorer

Invitation to Bid - There is a formal RFP and a basic outline of the database is available in Excel. I will need a bid to develop the database based on specifications. Below is a brief outline.

Great Northern Services
CDBG-CV Subsistence Payment Program
Database to GNS: Mid to late December 2021
Bids delivered to: Brandy Caporaso by email or 530.938.4115x115
Description of Program and Needs
Great Northern Services (GNS) will be providing intake services to all Siskiyou County Residents for the (Community Development Block Grant-Cares Act funding) CDBG-CV Subsistence Payment Program which is administered by CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development (HCD) through block grants from US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
In order to perform the intake process efficiently and accurately and to report data in pre-determined reports, GNS needs to procure a database program per 2CFR Part 200 that performs the functions listed below.
Time and cost are of the essence. The program length is for 1 ½ years which GNS is planning to be live by January 4, 2022.
This database is very similar and is based on what is available to Energy EHA-16 LIHEAP providers in the State of California. There are several fields that are different from the Energy LIHEAP providers database. The key areas of difference are:
• Income limits
• Applicant can receive assistance up to 3 times and can have assistance with other programs and other CSD Energy programs supported by the software
• Amounts allowed for assistance are $900 for utility assistance and $3,000 for mortgage assistance
• Mortgage, broadband and water/sewer garbage assistance is allowable. These can be treated similarly to the wood vendors
• The data does NOT have to be transferred to any state or federal agency
• The fields which are not necessary for this program staff are able to enter a default value and therefore do not necessarily need to be removed
• A proof of payment will be required by the awarding entity. This can be in a notes or a field can be created.
All database companies are encourage to apply as this is a simple data base to setup for a short duration project.
Database Requirements
• Database must be cloud based for the duration of the contract and then data must be able to be downloaded in .csv format at the completion of the project for internal storage by GNS.
• Contractor shall institute measures, procedures, and protocols designed to ensure the security of data and to protect information in accordance with the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Civ. Code §§1798 et seq.), and such other State and Federal laws and regulations as may apply.
• Database will be used from December 27, 2021 through June 30, 2023.
• This assistance and previous assistance during the same program year can be simultaneous. It will be up to staff to determine if there is a duplication of benefit.
• If the applicant/household is in the current database but has not received assistance within the last six months, the database must allow for new income verification for this program.
• Applicant can receive assistance up to 3 times in for this program.
• Limits for of assistance:
o $900 for utility assistance
o $3000 for Mortgage and Rent (Rental assistance currently not allowed for CDBG-CV. It may become allowed in the future)
• The income limits are for 2021 are. Income limits may change in 2022 and 2023. These income limits are different than LIHEAP. GNS should have the ability to change income limits or not be charged for changing income limits for the course of the program:
Number of Persons in Household: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$39,150 $44,750 $50,350 $55,900 $60,400 $64,850 $69,350 $73,800
*For all income categories, the income limits for households larger than eight persons are determined as follows: For each person in excess of eight, add eight percent of the four-person “50%” limit to the “50%” limit for eight persons and round the answer to the nearest $50. Contact GNS if there are more than 8 family members in the household over the age of 18.

Required Fields
The application is attached and all data in the application must be able to be entered into the database. There is an associated Excel sheet that is a representative of what is needed. The Excel sheet does not include the fields highlighted in green.
• Each new applicant must have a unique identifier so as to protect Personal Identifiable Information when needed.
• Intake Date (date the application was received)
• Certification Date (date the applicant was deemed eligible)
• Applicant First Name
• Applicant Last Name
• Service/Residential Address
• Service/Residential City
• Service/Residential State
• Service/Residential Zip
• Is the applicant in city limits (yes, no, unknown)
• Mailing Address
• Mailing City
• Mailing State
• Mailing Zip
• Telephone Phone Number
• Email Address
• List of All Members of household (must count total number in HH)
o First Name
o Last Name
o Head of Household (yes/no)
o Relation to Applicant
o Full-time Student (yes/no)
o Age
o Income Source (free text field)
o Income (must total in database)
• Total Income (if the List of All Members is not included in database.)
• Race/Ethnicity
o Ethnicity (select one)
 Not Hispanic
 Hispanic
o Race (select one)
 White
 Black or African American
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 Asian
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
 Other or Multi-Racial
• Covid Impacted
o Income Reduced
 Yes
 No
o Expenses Increased
 Yes
 No
• Is your anticipated total household income LOWER or HIGHER than the $ amount listed directly below the number of people circled above?
o Yes
o No
• The categories for assistance are:
o Utility Payments
 Propane
 Electricity
 Fuel Oil
 Kerosene
 Water/Sewer/Garbage
 Broadband/Internet
 Utilities included in Rent
o Mortgage
• Vendor Utility/Mortgage Payment Information
o Vendor Name
o Vendor Address
o Name on Account
o Account #
o Address of Provider
• Amount Requested
o $900 limit for Utility Payments
o $3,000 limit for Mortgage
• Check # to Vendor (A field is required that will be able to record a check number to have a record of payment.)
Reports are highly desired but not necessary.

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