Jul 24, 2020 02:06 AM
Hi there !
There doesn’t seem to be a way to do it, but I thought I should ask anyway. We never know…
I’m color blind and those two colors choosen by airtable are about the same to me… :sob:
Is there any way to fix that ? I’d rather have a blue instead of one of those two colors, that would greatly help me to figure out what is what on that chart…
Thank you all by advance for your help ! :relieved:
Jul 25, 2020 08:09 AM
In the upper-right corner of the chart block is a gear. Click that to open the chart settings. At the bottom you’ll see color swatches. If you don’t see those immediately, you may need to scroll the settings pane.
Jul 25, 2020 10:40 AM
Thanks for your reply !
I can’t see the swatches, even at the bottom :face_with_monocle:
Jul 25, 2020 10:49 AM
Odd. In mine, it’s right below the “Show axis label” item. It looks like there’s something below that item in yours, but all that’s showing is a thin line.
Maybe add a new chart block and see if those swatches appear before setting up the rest of the block configuration.
Edit: Never mind. That thin line is the separator above the “Done” button. Still, try making a new block and see if they show up.