Jan 13, 2018 10:55 PM
Hi, everybody!
Sorry, I don’t even know the proper terminology for these types of multi-entry/multivalued fields. But here’s an example pic of a database I want to do, and was wondering if it is possible to do something like this in Airtable.
So, basically I want:
In the Clients table, for every record, in Owns field I want to see which percentages that person owns in which companies (basically their investment portfolio)
In the Companies table, for every record, in Owned by field I want to see which persons or companies own what percentages in that particular company, and in Owns field the holdings of that company
To give an example, I marked some “linked” records (strings) with the same color…
How can I do this with Airtable? Any help is very much appreciated!
Thank you!
Jan 14, 2018 11:34 AM
You need a junction table for the Investments. Check this: https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/218734758-A-beginner-s-guide-to-many-to-many-relation...
Jan 14, 2018 11:58 AM
Take a look at this demo base. I tossed it together in about 10 minutes, to give you an idea of how easily one can create this sort of relational data in Airtable.
Jan 14, 2018 11:01 PM
Thank you, everybody! Will give it a try!