I’m having trouble figuring out the correct formula format. I’m using a formula in the primary column to show what the other columns say.
My three columns are single line text: {Code}, {Name 1}, {Name 2}
If Name 2 is empty, I want it formatted like this: VLG1234 | Jackie Doe
If Name 2 isn’t empty I want it formatted like this: VLG1234 | John Doe & Jane Doe
I’m using this formula: {Code} & " | " & {Loan Officer} & IF({Realtor}=BLANK(),BLANK(),{Realtor})
If Name 2 is empty it works: VLG1234 | Jackie Doe
If Name 2 isn’t empty: VLG1234 | John DoeJaneDoe
Basically I’m not sure how to format it to get the & in there.