
Re: Continuing a series of data

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator


Not sure where to post that, so here we go :winking_face:
I’d like to continue a series of data like shown in this example:
However, it doesn’t seem to work when the number is a suffix like for example object1, object2 … I can’t believe it’s not possible ? am I missing something or ?

Thanks a lot for your help,


Nicolas Caplat

5 Replies 5

Hi @Nicolas_Caplat
I wish it worked like it does in excel too. From the article linked: The handle recognizes when a selection of cells follows a sequential format, whether it be number, day, or time.

Hi @Vivid-Squid ,
Yes, I thought selecting 2 cells with object1 and object2, dragging the handle down, that it would increment to object3, object4 … pffff very disappointing for now :frowning: :frowning:
The thing with Airtable (at least, it’s my feeling), is that it can be very powerful for complicated stuff, but it fails doing simple things. Let’s hope this kind of things can be fixed / improved quickly !


Nicolas Caplat

You can still use the pull down, you just may need a slightly different approach.

You can create a number field, this can be pulled. Then add a formula next to it, something like:

IF(Number, 'object'&Number)


Not exactly the same, but maybe it will help you.

Thanks a lot @Vivid-Squid . It’s an interesting approach indeed, even if I’d wish something more straight-forward, more user-friendly :winking_face:

Anyway, thanks for your time,


Nicolas Caplat

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hello there :slightly_smiling_face:

Any chance someone from AirTable comes around, please ?