Hello! Im totally newbie at Airtable and databases. Please help me to find out couple things. I am working on base for tracking crossfit gym membership.
Each client purchase membership for 30—40 days. Every membership has {Start Date} and {End Date}. End Date field is calculated with formula by adding days to {Start Date}. Сlient shows up during membership period (once a day). Every visit fills up with form to Visits table.
I have three tables:
- Clients — {Name}, {Email}, {Phone} etc
- Memberships — {MembershipID}, {Customer} (linked to Clients), {Type}, {Start Date}, {End Date}, {Ammount} etc
- Visits — {Date of visit}, {Visitors} (Multiple links to Clients)
Is there a way to take {Date of visit} and compare it with date range of active membership? Take all {Date of visit} and count how many of them lays between {Start Date} and {End Date} for every {MembershipID}?
Show me the way please or maybe I look at this completely wrong.