
Re: Days between dates

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Can anyone tell me the formula for calculating the number of days between “date logged” and “date completed”. And if the formula could be expressed as working weekdays only that would be icing on the cake! Many thanks

22 Replies 22
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Exactly what I needed. Thanks Martha

Is the second part of the original query possible – to calculate the number of weekdays via DATETIME_DIFF or another formula?

Hi Mike -
Probably you can get that with more elaborate calculations, but I haven’t tried to work that out. I don’t see that Airtable yet has the functionality that Excel provides with NETWORKDAYS.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Old thread; but hey the topic still has merit

I tried this formula DATETIME_DIFF([date1], [date2], ‘units’) and I get an error message so tried this:

DATETIME_DIFF([Date Depleted], [Date Purchased, ‘days’) and so I am assuming I am doing it incorrectly.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I would love to see Business days added to the Supported unit specifiers for DATETIME_DIFF

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Some of you in this thread might be happy to know that we’ve implemented a WORKDAY() function!

The format is WORKDAY(startDate, numDays, [holidays]) and it returns a date that is numDays working days after startDate. Working days automatically exclude weekends, and you can include an an optional list of holidays as a comma-separated string of ISO-formatted dates, e.g.

WORKDAY({Launch date}, 100, '2017-09-04, 2017-10-09, 2017-11-10')

Excellent! Could we please have the inverse function as well (a function that will return the number of workdays/workhours between two date/time fields)?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Does anyone know how to use the datetime_diff function with multiples dates in one cell that are then compared to one date? Example of the picture below.
