Jul 23, 2019 01:11 PM
I manage work at different properties. For example the work might be washing or cleaning or reporting maintenance issues.
Would I be better off creating different tables for different activities or creating different views in the same large table that only shows what’s relevant for the different activities?
I want to ensure I make good choices up front before possibly finding I made bad choices later.
Jul 23, 2019 04:43 PM
The best way to answer that is asking yourself questions like:
a) Will I want to look at all a Property’s activity at once?
If yes: use Views. If no: use Tables.
b) Do different activities need unique fields (i.e. do cleaning activities need a “products used” field, but maintenance issues do not)?
If yes: use Tables. If no: use Views.
Jul 23, 2019 06:42 PM
Thanks. That’s a very clear answer. I wasn’t expecting the answer to be so cut and dry and easy to apply.
Very happy. Thanks.