
Re: Embedded form slows down my web page

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have a form embedded on a wordpress/elementor page, and it is loading extremely slow. On some devices it takes up to 15 seconds to load. This is impacting my conversions.

I already reached out to support, but while I wait for them to get back to me, has anyone dealt with this and found a solution? 

3 Replies 3
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

I have not seen this with my embedded forms, so be sure to post back here with what Airtable Support tells you.

In the meantime, while you’re waiting for a reply, you may want to try to embedding forms from another source, such as Fillout or JotForm. Both of these apps are free. This would also help you rule out if the problem is on your end instead of Airtable’s end.

Fillout is the most advanced form software for Airtable, and it integrates directly with Airtable. JotForm doesn’t integrate directly with Airtable, so it would need a tool like Make to send your form submissions to Airtable.


Thanks for your reply. Are your forms created in the old "view" builder or the new forms interface? I'm using the interface and I wonder if that's the problem.

I'm familiar with both fillout and jotform (which I believe does have a direct Airtable integration) and they are great tools, but I want to keep my tech stack simple on this project. 

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

No delays on my end with either embedded interface forms or embedded form views. Actually, there is about a one-second delay with the embedded interface forms.

I just checked, and it looks like JotForm has finally updated their Airtable integration to work again. They were probably thrown off by Airtable’s surprise deadline of June 2023 when Airtable stopped issuing new API keys, because JotForm was unable to work with new Airtable integrations from June 2023 onwards. Looks like they have addressed that issue now. (Jotform’s Airtable integrations are weak compared to Make’s integrations, but it should do the trick for most people.)