Jan 02, 2019 07:56 AM
I have a furniture company, and I have table with a list of all our furniture items and their individual prices. I want to create another table where I can group various items into sets and calculate the price of that set.
For example:
Say I have these items in a “Furniture Items Table”
Sofa A- $500
Chair B- $100
I want to create a “Furniture Sets Table”:
Furniture Set
3 x Sofa A- $1,500
2 x Chair A- $200
And I want to calculate the “Set Price”- $1,700
So, I created a field (link to another record) called “Furniture Sets” in the “Furniture Sets Table” and I linked it to the “Furniture Items” field in the “Furniture Items Table” allowing linking to multiple records.
So, I can now choose the various items that would make up a set from the “Furniture Sets” field. However, I cannot assign different quantities for the various items because all the items are in a single cell. Also, extracting the individual “Unit Prices” from the “Furniture Items Table” into the “Furniture Sets Table” is proving difficult.
I guess the main problem with my approach is that the “Furniture Sets” field is “grouping” the various “Furniture Items” into a single cell. Is there a way to “ungroup” or extract individual records from this linked cell? Otherwise, should I just change the approach I’m using?
Any suggestions are appreciated…
Jan 02, 2019 08:13 AM
You really need a third table called, say, Furniture Set Items which would include a link to the set and the item (and have a quantity field).
In database terms, this is called a Join or Junction table and in the basis of Many to Many relationships. You can read more about this here:
Jan 02, 2019 08:16 AM
Thanks, I will look into this now.
Jan 03, 2019 12:54 PM
The trick here is a little strange. A set doesn’t actually contain individual items but rather multiples of items. So let’s create a table for ‘line items’:
This table is linked to both the ‘Sets’ table and the ‘Items’ table. And is then grouped by set. I’ve used formula as the ‘primary field’:
{Lookup Name} & ' (x ' & Qty & ')'
The ‘&’ just joins text. I often do this so that I can join the name with the serial. That way if I know either I can find the record.
Here is the item table:
And the set table is much smaller now. It only has summary level data:
And… I just read what @Julian_Kirkness wrote… which is exactly the same.