
Formula; Time worked?

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

I am looking for a formula that can be used to determine the time worked. I have a table that is a “Check In / Out” which includes two fields in of Check in and Check out. Is there a formula that can be set in another field that will give the total time?

Bonus, is there a way to add ALL of the times from that table?

37 Replies 37
6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Try DATETIME_DIFF(End, Start, ‘minutes’) between date fields, check time option.
The total(SUM) is already made by Airtable at the bottom line of the Airtable window.

Hope it helps

Thanks! That seems to work. Is there a way to prevent an error when someone has not “checked out” yet? Since the check out field is blank until they would be done it gives an error in that entry and the SUM

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Just looked a bit closer and its not computing the time correctly :frowning:

It works for me with ‘Hours’ or ‘Minutes’.
Can you check the fields format, just in case !

To prevent from calculating an empty field, you can insert a logical test:

IF({checked out},
DATETIME_DIFF({checked out}, {checked in} , ‘hours’), 0)

In case it doesn’t work feel free to show your calc !

Thanks for trying to help. It is still computing the times wrong.

In your date fields,
can you stick " Use the same time zone (GMT) for all collaborators "
and see if it 's better !
It must be On or OFF for the 2 date fields

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

That was the issue :slightly_smiling_face: Changed them bit to Off and works perfect. thanks!!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I was able to make use of this for my own purposes:

IF({checked out},
DATETIME_DIFF({checked out}, {checked in} , ‘hours’), 0) but I would like to also have the minutes not just the hour so right now if I go from 1:30 to 2:50 that should be 1hr 20mins (or 1.2?) but doing so only shows it in 1.0 and no minutes are considered.

Hi Shannon_Mason,
I did something close to your calculation.
I used DATETIME_DIFF and MOD function to get minutes and seconds.

Here is my calc, you can try it with your own fields in place:

((((DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Date max}, ‘hours’) & "hrs, ") &
MOD(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Date max}, ‘hours’), 60)) & " mins, “) &
MOD(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(), {Date max}, ‘minutes’), 60)) & " secs”