
Google Gemini Vertex Bard AI - anybody found a script or custom extension to use with Airtable?

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I am aware it's possible using Zapier/Make/n8n/BuildshipApp etc, but this is all external apps, too much work to configure. Google Gemini has a very generous free API plan and I would be keen on getting it to work but I have no programming experience. 

Wondering if anybody figured out a way.

1 Reply 1
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I totally get it—it can be a real pain to set up and configure external apps, especially if you're not into programming. Using Google Gemini's free API plan sounds promising, but without any coding background, it might seem overwhelming. Maybe someone in the community has found a simpler way, or perhaps you could reach out to Google Gemini's support for some guidance?