Aug 15, 2024 07:43 AM
I have a table of information that is tracking music in a film. I have the songs and their timecode of where they appear in the film. the nature of the list is that i have a record for every time there is an edit however several records compile the total use of the song. Here is my issue. When i look at all the records in grid view and sort by timecode in they sort in order and everything looks great. Then when i then group them by song title things go hairy. It puts the groups of songs out of order. so a song that starts in the film at 1 min 15 sec and goes to 3 min 15 sec is sorting after a song that is in the film at 15 min 3 sec. How can i get them to go in the proper order once grouped?
Aug 15, 2024 12:30 PM
Do you think you could share a couple of screenshots for further understanding?
Aug 15, 2024 12:42 PM
I actually figured it out. I realize now that when you group by a single select column the group will order itself based on the order in the single select menu. Once i knew the order i needed it in i went into there and reordered it manually. I uploaded a couple screen grabs explain what i did.
Aug 15, 2024 02:57 PM
Great! Glad to hear that.