Hi! I’m posting on behalf of a mutual aid group that I help with. We recently shared a bit.ly link to one of our donation forms, and we started getting really racist / violent hate mail from what seems like a bot all morning. We’re unable to connect donors with recipients right now because of this. We created a duplicate form, changed field language slightly, deleted old form, redirected bitly to new form link, but the bot is still running. We tweeted at Airtable, emailed support, sent in tickets, but it’s a holiday weekend.
Is there a way to add a captcha to Airtable forms? I have searched the forums on this topic and it seems third party options are available, but when I look at what they have to offer I worry that the integration does not provide enough protection against an injection attack grabbing internal data. If we have a js developer on our team, is that something that could help at this time?
Thank you!