Nov 30, 2018 04:57 PM
I need a formula that list (comma separated values) in a third field that exclude from a lookup field (in which there are comma separated dates) dates before the date in the first field.
Field1 “Join date” = 01 oct 2018.
Field2 “lessons” (is a lookup field) = 15 sep 2018, 15 oct 2018, 15 nov 2018.
Field3 “possible lessons” FORMULA RESULTS = 15 oct 2018, 15 nov 2018.
Thank you!
Dec 01, 2018 02:41 PM
What is your base structure? Maybe could be easier to compare dates in other table or approach.
Dec 03, 2018 06:01 AM
TABLE “members”
Field Name
Field Date of Join (example: 01 oct 2018)
Field LOOKUP to TABLE “lessons” / field “Date of Lesson” (example: 15 sep 2018, 15 oct 2018, 15 nov 2018)* *: comma separated values lookup from table “lesson” below
TABLE “lessons”
Field “Date of Lesson” (record1: 15 sep 2018; record2: 15 oct 2018; record3: 15 nov 2018)
Field “Attendants” LINK to “members”
When I want to count the total of registered lessons it is simple (I do a rollup field from table “lessons” to a rollup field in “members”)
Now I want to show how many lessons EACH member should have done, to do a percentage (attendances/maximum lessons * 100)
BUT each member could join in a different date so the maximum number of lessons for each member is different.
Thank You
Dec 03, 2018 02:36 PM
Maybe there is a fancy Formula like other advanced users use to post, but I think the best approach is to have a junction table for Attendances.
Even you could create a Available and Past field, to calculate the percentage of Lessons attended that have been performed.