Mar 15, 2021 03:45 PM
I have a table with +400 records, and I want to ask a question about a “Multiple Select” column. How can I upload (or paste) separate records that I have in a CSV file, and put all of them as different categories in a “Multiple Select” column?
The context of this is that I have a Form in FormAssembly and currently in the Multiple Select column I have countless records of unique categories, that include records that merged several categories (we had pre-defined 12 options).
Here is a screenshot of how it currently looks
I’m trying to solve this in a separate Spreadsheet where I created a CSV file with this column, I separate it but with formula and manually into different columns, and now I want to go back to Airtable and organize the “Multiple Select” column.
Does someone have any advice for how to do this?
Mar 19, 2024 08:05 AM
Did you ever figure this out? I have this same question.
Mar 19, 2024 08:18 AM
Oh I figured it out! You just needed your semicolons to be commas.