I have two tables:
A list of members with a primary key of membership number
A list of payments made from all members. It doesn't really have a primary key, but I could make one. I want it to use the 'foreign' key from the membership table above
What I want in my interface is a way of displaying all the payments made by just that member being viewed at that time, and entering payments made in the table on the interface.
I have got as far as inserting an element of grid, and picking the fields I want visible AND editable, but there is something I am getting wrong as the element seems to be locked for editing saying it is ' not available in look up element mode'
Can anyone see what I am trying to do here and how I can make it work? Maybe I am thinking about the table set up in the wrong way, and should be trying a one to many relationship rather than many to many, but I don't know how to go about it.
Simple language please. I am a newbie at this.