Aug 15, 2019 01:51 PM
I am compiling some frequently asked questions from my organizations, and instead of a spreadsheet, I think an Airtable would be a better option because I will be categorizing the questions in multiple ways.
I didn’t see a base template that looked like this kind of thing, so I wondered if anyone has something I could use before I start building from scratch.
My data elements will be (I think):
Thanks in advance for the help!
Aug 16, 2019 06:03 AM
I see three tables, the Questions, Answers, and Departments. A few reasons I would do it that way that I could explain. Should be an easy project. If you would like to talk about it, and possibly have me work on it shoot me a message.
Aug 16, 2019 10:12 AM
I was thinking maybe someone had already solved this problem and could put something out in the base universe (or share with me directly). It doesn’t look difficult, but I was just looking to not reinvent the wheel.
And unless you just love to do this as a hobby and wanted to do it for free (I assume not), then I’ll thank you for your offer, but decline. I can probably figure it out.
Aug 16, 2019 12:18 PM
I took a bit of a deep dive into a bunch of Airtable posts and I managed to find a discussion thread about premade data bases. Perhaps the different structures can give you some ideas on how to setup your database.
Here is the link:
Mary K