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Re: Script to Create New Record

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi community!

I am looking for a script to use within an automation that would create a new record in another table when a field in the original table meets a condition. Is anyone familiar with how to achieve that or can recommend another way to reach the same outcome?

The purpose of this would be to identify the necessary workflows in one table and, once selected, trigger the workflow to kick off in another table.

Thank you in advance!

3 Replies 3

Is there a reason you need a script for this? You can do this natively with Airtable’s built-in automation steps.

I can get the automation to create a new record but I can’t seem to get the new record to be created with field data from the triggering record on the original table - I need the project name to populate into the new record. I thought a script would allow for that additional step?

You will need to pull the project name from the trigger.

Check out the instructions on this page, but note that you will need to pay close attention to the animated GIFs on this page because those animated GIFS are really the only thing on the entire page that show you what to do: