
Sendgrid Issues

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4 - Data Explorer

Sendgrid Essentials program is fine for mass emails, but useless if you need to have all records delivered. The Sendgrid Essentials program puts you into a shared IP/Server pool with up to thousands of other users. If there is a spammer in the bunch, all users suffer. I cannot send a single, one-off email to aol, yahoo, or comcast as my assigned IP is blocked by most ESPs and blacklisted by spam services. Sendgrid will not allow switching of assigned IPs, so the service is useless. Airtable support only suggest using automations. Are there any other ways of sending emails other than using automations with jury rigged triggers?

2 Replies 2

I’m not sure what your complaint is, since you seem to be complaining about a variety of different things.

SendGrid is an email sending service that offers both shared and dedicated IP addresses. If you’re having problems with a shared IP address, then you should pay them for a dedicated IP address that you control. Nobody else shares a dedicated IP address with you. It’s all yours.

It’s pretty pricey, though — it starts at $90 per month. See link below for SendGrid’s explanation on the difference between shared and dedicated IP addresses.

And if you’re not satisfied with Airtable’s automations, then you should use a professional automation service like, which also supports SendGrid + dozens of other email sending services.

Thanks for a quick response. I did cover a few issues. The key issue is I can’t send emails to aol, yahoo, or comcast servers and sending emails is a key feature of Airtable. I have a homeowner’s association of 149 homes and send occasional emails to different views - a $90/mo solution doesn’t make sense.

Airtable’s automations are fine, but sometimes you just want to run an email extension.