Jan 06, 2021 04:48 AM
First of all: I am thrilled about Airtable for the filtering options, scripting blocks and great API!
But there is one thing that is driving us mad:
Sometimes if my colleage creates some new records, the day after they have somehow disappeared (they are not filtered - I have double checked)…so he creates some new records with the same content. But then some days later the original records reappear as by magic…so than we have duplicates :-/.
Does anyone recognize this? And may there be a solution. I wouldn’t know how to avoid this.
Best regards, Ronald from the Netherlands
Jan 08, 2021 12:29 AM
Update: It may be my own mistake :winking_face:
So to rephrase my question: would it be possible to restore ALL deleted records in a certain base-tab? I know it is possible to recover deleted records from the last week, but we need like half een year recovery :-/.
Hope you can Help!
Jan 08, 2021 06:10 AM
Oddly enough, after 7 days, you can only restore entire snapshots of your entire base (instead of recovering individual records). On the Pro Plan, your snapshot history will extend back an entire year.