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Re: Transfer data from table A to table B

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator


I would like to create an automation where I enter the working hours of the respective month and employee from "Table A" into the column of the respective month and employee in "Table B". (January, February, ...) the whole thing should be done once a month.

1 Reply 1
7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hey @user2100!

Some further context seems to be missing (e.g. base schema and screenshots).
However, please find a high-level outline below:

1. Create the Automation:

  • Go to Automations > Create an Automation.
  • Set the Trigger to “At a Scheduled Time” and choose to run it on a specific day of the month.

2. Add an Action Step - “Find Records”:

  • Select Find Records from “Table A.”
  • Set conditions to find all records or filter by specific criteria (e.g., employees which meet certain criteria).

3. Add an Action Step - “Update Record” (or create record depending on the use case):

  • Select Update Record for “Table B.”
  • Map the monthly working hours from “Table A” to the corresponding monthly columns in “Table B.”

Please feel free to share some further context, but in the meantime I hope the above helps!

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation