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Colored or Highlighted Fields

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hey folks, thanks for a great product.

Simple request: Can you please incorporate the ability to create colored and/or highlighted fields? I’d like to call out certain rows within sheets. With the inferior, last generation sheets programs (shameless sucking up) I’d always used colors for this purpose. I realize I could use a column for this, but its a waste of a column in my mind, especially if you are trying to avoid scrolling left to right.

Thanks for consideration.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

One thing also in particular is when you have a lookup or linked cell in a table. Since the colors don’t come across. I would like to easily visualize which rows have a particular value in a linked cell (say status of an element i am referencing)

Would be very powerful. Am interested to investigate the IF workflow with lookups?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

agree, need colors please

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Totally agree, the ability to be able to colorize / highlight certain individual fields I think is essential

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Fantastic idea! Even being able to color the text would be helpful.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Heartily concur. I’m using AirTable as an editorial calendar across seven or eight platforms. Despite having a field for platform in the spreadsheet view, the only way to distinguish between platform in the calendar visually is to the image attachment field to upload an icon, which makes the Kanban view unproductive as I can’t show the photo asset for the content.

If we could assign a field in the spreadsheet to dictate the background color of the entry int he calendar field, this would be perfect.

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Could you clarify what you mean by not being able to “show the photo asset for the content” in kanban view? (Perhaps you meant calendar view? You can put a cover photo on a kanban card.)

As a workaround to make records more easily visible in the calendar view, you could try appending a conditional emoji to the beginning of the record name in the primary field using some of the techniques laid out in this support article. You could set it up so that (for example) a record which has the value “Twitter” in the platform field will have a :bird: at the beginning of its name.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi Katherine,

That was a little unclear. What I meant was if I used the attachment field to upload an icon to identify a social media platform, that became the primary image in the calendar field, as well as the new Gallery and Kanban views, which means I couldn’t show the approved editorial photo/art/graphic for the post.

I’ve constructed a formula to append an emoji to the primary field as per your suggestion. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi Just to add my bit: I am using Airtable to assess daily data and attribute a number to the resulting range for the daily data. I want to use say bright red for very negative numbers, through amber for around 0 to very green for very positive numbers. This will give me the ability to create a heat map down a column. Therefore the colour would be dependent upon where the value sits in the range. i.e this would be option 2 in @Katherine_Duh 's description of choices.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

1+ to this kind of request

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

This would be a great feature. +1