I am an artist working with various companies in various Markets/Categories (ie: greeting cards, home decor, stationery, and gift).
Some companies are in multiple markets such as greeting cards & gift; whereas other companies just serve one. Think Micheal’s v.s. Hallmark. The former serves multiple markets while the latter is likely just greeting cards (just go with me).
So now that you have the back story, I’d like to be able to Group by Markets/Categories, BUT, I would like a record to duplicate itself in this view to list in BOTH greeting cards and gift. I DON’T want it to be Grouped as “Greeting Cards, Gift” because it could be the only company listed as such.
First screen shot shows my basic table prior to grouping:

Second screen shot shows what it looks like after grouping. I’d like Company 1 to be split (duplicated) into both Gift Bags and then also Party Paper (IN ONLY THIS GROUP VIEW) To be clear: I want Party Paper to be it’s own group without me having to create duplicate listings of the same company.

Is this possible? Thanks!