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Set user seat type via SCIM or SAML

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
Status: New Ideas
What is the proposed idea/solution?

Set user seat type via one of the following methods:
- SAML attribute
- SCIM attribute
- mapping to a SCIM group

How does is solve the user problems?

Currently Seat type needs to be adjusted manually in Airtable Admin Panel. It is not possible to set Seat type via SSO (SAML) nor SCIM. This is documented in this article: It would help us to manage our licenses more efficiently.

Who is the target audience?

Any company using SCIM to manage users.

1 Comment
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi @Anton_Pettersso I came across your post while searching for SCIM support from Airtable for managing the seat types. After multiple rounds of back and forth with the support, they confirmed this is not currently supported by their native SCIM offering, but they have a Beta feature called "viewer restricted licenses" which could probably do this. I'm waiting for more details like the additional cost, dates for general availability, documentation, etc.
It's quite cumbersome to manage the Airtable licenses with the current just-in-time provisioning that requires user sign-in via IdP SSO for their license to reflect accurately in Airtable UI. We are having to maintain an 'offline' excel record of the editor licenses we are consuming, since many of our users don't log-in right after giving them the editor license. 

How does your organization manage this issue?