The big win would be to be able to create layouts like this, but which also serve for data entry, not just display. That’s the thing that I was dreaming of when I made the Forms view request. So you were right on the money when you interpreted it as ...
Jeremy, you kind of nailed it, though tbh, it looks like the Page Designer block is more what I’m looking for (though data entry in that view would be handy). I didn’t know much about blocks and certainly hadn’t discovered Page Designer. I’m not an u...
Instead of:
Field info.
Field info.
Something like:
FIELD NAME: Field info. FIELD NAME: Field info.
FIELD NAME: Field info. FIELD NAME: Field info.
It’s close, but optimally has this amount of information (see attached) visible in one screen (i.e. with no scrolling) and can be customized, moving and resizing fields to optimize that visual space.
Gallery is closest, but to be able to customize the layout (throwing back to early FileMaker Pro/MS Access days) to be able to view in customized order would be the dream here. Thanks for pointing that out!