Thank you. That give me his current age but I need to know the age at reach each event happened in his life. So one column has the date that the event occurred, one column has age and the other has his birthday. Do you know what I need to add to t...
Thank you for your help. I have reviewed the information below but I still do not understand the formulas. If I use DATETIME_DIFF(): Do I put the columns of each in brackets? so it would be DATETIME_DIFF({Birthday}{Event},’age’). Do I need to have...
Can tell me the formula to use to calculate age? I have a column with my clients date of birth and want an additional column that will show his age at the different events in his life.
Thank you for all of your help,
Ok. I just did a test column and it works. I was entering it into the first column of the spreadsheet so maybe that was the issue.
Dana Hiatt, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
Mitigation Specialist
2025 Jefferson Oaks Dr
Rural Hall, NC 270...