I think another decent solution to the problem raised by @Nathaniel_Hammersmit is to have the 1st column (the record field) be a CONCATENATION of the first and last name, and move the employee ID to the second field (column). This would let you easi...
I’m in also desperate need of formatting features for column headers!!!
bold, ital, alignment (L, R, or center), color…
and the ability to group (gather!) columns under header so it’s easy to see which subheaders are read together in a group.
It woul...
Column headers problems for me too. Really need to be able to have text wrap and the ability to change the height. Formatting and alignment—like bold text or centered—would be icing on the cake! :pray:t3:
Also, when I embed (iframe) a view on my we...
Multi-page feature very much needed! I hope Airtable will develop soon. We wish to print 10-25 page reports (variable per customer, based on 2,250 records in lookup fields). Single page not useful for our needs, and as we print hundreds per week, a w...