The step by step guide:
I check my e.meter monthly on same day usually, and fill in the date and the e.meter data on ‘electricity’ tablechange to ‘electricity calculation’ table - nothing happens while I select an entry in ‘last date’ field when a da...
It won’t work automatically. When I add a new entry, I need to add (select) the proper dates in calculation fields. I’ll check the sample and fill with some new entry, and then I’ll write the method step by step.
The shift:
I have the table ‘electricity’ with the date field: when I checked the e. Meter. The date is primary field, so, when I link a record to ‘calculation’ table, I’ll see the date there. I linked two row: ‘check date’ for actual, a...
Hey @Russ_Layton, sorry for tha late answer,
The last date and check date columns are linked fields to electricity table. This is the ‘trick’. You can’t link an other fileld in the same table. So I needed an extra table ‘electricity calculations’ to...
You can just select a field drag the little square at bottom right corner and pull down/up to the field where you would copy. It works like in Excel if you copy to neighbour fileds.