6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Jan 23, 2021
‎Nov 10, 2024

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Hello, i'm calling an API but i'm getting different results if i'm using Android or iOShere is my call:******/teamtim****/?filterByFormula=FIND("Maurizio Polverini",{Nome})=1&sort%5B0%5D%5Bfield%5D=ID&sort%5B0%5...
Hello there,Everytime an event occurs, a tool add a new record in Airtable. Once added, it's automatically sorted by Creating Time, so the newest one is always on top.What i need it that if the total rows is 500 and a new record is added on the top, ...
Hi there, i'm having issues with letters' case in my filterByFormula text and API call.I'm trying to do a searching box where user can give an input of what they are looking for, and Airtable fetches from a big database. Right now if i'm looking for ...
Hi there, here is my cURL as mentioned in the title i'm having issues just on iOS while on Android it works with no problem.****/TableName?filterByFormula=FIND("february",{Mese%20Nome})=1&sort%5B0%5D%5Bfield%5...
Hi there,I'm facing this issue unfortunetly i checked on the community but none of the solutions work for me.This is the error: "type" Invalid_Offset_Value - The value of offset 100 is invalid.I'm trying to get 350 rows. I already did a first api cal...
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