Hey @daniel_villegas , welcome!
I don’t believe .eachPage returns anything. Instead, it just iterates through each page. So you’ll have to store the data somewhere, like this:
const data = [];
view: "Main View...
Hey there. Why are you curling the www as opposed to the API endpoint? api.airtable.com.
Do you get an SSL issue when querying valid API endpoints as well?
Hey @Ping_Yee!
You’re right, the API quota is the limiting factor on sync speed. So changes can take ~2min on a 50k record base to propagate. But we have a trick where creates/updates/deletes made through the API sync instantly.
Email me (I’m anthony...
Hey @Rodrigo_Moyle ,
Sounds like you already got to the root of it. Thought I’d drop this here as well in case you were interested. Did a deep dive on what elements in an Airtable base most affect API write performance. I didn’t investigate automatio...