I want to create a url that contain the contents of a field. Ex: NAME - Google Search
NAME is the field, so I can to search on google the content of the field
How can I do? I try this (“https…q=NAME”) but it doesn’t work
I have a fiield with a ceckbox ad I want that integromat watch all records I have in my table and, if the ceckbox is signed integromat do an action (create another record). How can i do this?
Hi, i’m doing this scenario (i was very busy last week) but integromat do only the first (watch records) and after stops saying “scenario compleate” (but it isn’t true).
Maybe i’ve mistaken something in the formula? Here is a photo
The “Da condivide...
Now i’m doing this:
I use “Search Record”, if a condition is true it create another record to another table (with the same name). But it doesn’t work. Is it correct this? :arrow_down: