6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Apr 24, 2020
‎Jun 11, 2024

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  • 18 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 15 Kudos received

User Activity

How can I do a negative filter? Let's say I have a multiple select field with letters A-E. I can easily filter to show all records that contain all of D, E, and F. But I want to filter OUT all records that contain all of D, E, and F. Just D is fine, ...
Seems like it should be easy. I want to display the "Ending Balance" field from my most recent record. The summary type for monetary records doesn't have an option for most recent record. But the date record does have that option. So I can display th...
I have a field of numbers somewhere between 1-100, I'll call the field "MAX" and sort high-low. I want to be able to count the total number of records in this field, and pick the lowest numeric record of a certain percent, let's say 80%.For an exampl...
I have lots of tables and views. I’d love to see maybe a drop down at the top of the base to select favorite views for ones I go to frequently.
I have created a formula referencing key dates that returns the values of “Past”, “Present”, or “Future”. I would like to filter a view showing only “Present” or “Future” records. I also want to filter out any record where the status is “Rejected” I ...