Mar 10, 2023 03:33 AM
I have a question about the "Link to another record" function. Is it possible to automate this so that all entries from another table can be automatically pulled in without having to add them individually? Preferably with an optional if statement to pull only certain entries.
Would be nice to have this but don't know if its possible (I'm new to Airtable)
Mar 10, 2023 04:51 AM
Yeap it's possible to use an automation to do this for you
Mar 10, 2023 05:33 AM
Yeah, I tried to do it but I´m not that experienced with automations. Do I have to create another new table with the linked entries or how can I check within an automation if a certain field (eg. name) is the same and add only these entries. Or in general how can I automate to "add" all these entries in the "Link to another table" field?
Mar 10, 2023 06:57 AM
Could you provide an example scenario with a base that we can work on together? Without it it's pretty theoretical and difficult to provide advice