
Re: Automatic mailing list

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hello there, I’m trying to create an automatic process in air table, let me explain to you and find out if you’ve got solutions for me :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ve created a Typeform, in this type form people can subscribe to some events, each person have to write down is e-mail in it. I linked this typeform to airtable, like that i have a database of their responses.
So in it we’ve got several informations, including their e-mail and which event they want to go.

What I try to do, is send them an e-mail with the link of the zoom event they subscribed.
One mail right after the subscribing and one mail one day before the zoom event takes places.

Do you know how I can make process automatic, send automatic e-mail with the right zoom link depends on what event they subscribe.

Thanks if you can help me, that could save me a lot of work !!

1 Reply 1

Hi @Stanislas_Bernardot and welcome to the community!

It can be done using automations. More info via this link.