
Re: Automation - add to inventory

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I have two tables I want to update when adding a new product

Table A - Inventory 
Table B - Received ( Products received )
Table C - New Item Table : Junction Table 

I have created a junction table so I can multiple "New" products quickly and that do not exist in Inventory.

So in the automation I am doing the following 
1. Trigger - If Done Checkbox is True
1. Create new record : Inventory - Add all parts of information needed here.
2. Copy New Inventory ID ( Run Script)- Paste onto : New Item Table : Field : Inventory ID ( Because of permissions I create an extra field also - New ID) - Took a while but working 
3. Create new record : Received Table : Add quanity received / cost etc.. 

I tried to directly update Inventory ID field ( Linked relationship Field ) Linking Inventory & Received Tables - However worked only 50% of time then stopped altogether : Feel it was a time lag in the software 

So I created a new second Automation - Update Record 
1. Trigger - When a record is created 
2. Update : Inventory ID field : from New ID Field 

Not working : The number in results has a line through it 

This Automation makes no sense to me as been working then not working then working sometimes - I am the creator of this base and added Automations as Creator access so no idea why not working. Does anyone know how to Fix? 
I can copy paste into the Inventory ID Field So do not understand the issue every other field is working 
I have been trying to resolve for a day and a half as I will need to create similar automation for consignments etc..

Any help 

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Thank you very much from the screenshots and letting me know what your use case is! 

If I'm understanding you right, the workflow is:
1. Create record in "New Stock Item" with a bunch of data for that item
2. Automation triggers
3. Automation action 1: Create a new record in "Inventory" and stamp in the relevant pieces of data that were keyed in at step 1, e.g. "EX Rate"
4. Automation action 2: Create a new record in "Received" and stamp in the relevant pieces of data that were keyed in at step 1, e.g. "Weight CT", and also link it to the record created from step 3

If so, I've updated the base to show you how I'd handle that!  Could you take a look and let me know where I might have gotten it wrong?

See Solution in Thread

10 Replies 10
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Hm I'm not sure I understand your workflow.  I've made something here; if you can tell me where I've gotten it wrong I can try to help!

Screen Recording 2024-08-08 at 2.42.53 PM.gif

It was working on and off at 1 point - now not at all

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

@TheTimeSavingCo Here are screenshots of the whole flow

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I used ChatGPT for script as no idea what I am doing - maybe format is coming back wrong but : I can copy paste the data and works


Hmm if you don't have much experience with scripting I'm not sure I would recommend using ChatGPT in that manner

Could you explain what your use case is in general?  Could you also provide screenshots of examples of data input and output?  Specifically, a screenshot of the New Item Table with data keyed in to it, and screenshots of how you want the Inventory and Received tables to look afterwards?

Creating Inventory system that links to Client orders / Consignments and jewellery pieces 

Basic case use is to add multiple new items to stock that do not exist in my Inventory already 

Thank you for your time and help really appreciate it

Thank you very much from the screenshots and letting me know what your use case is! 

If I'm understanding you right, the workflow is:
1. Create record in "New Stock Item" with a bunch of data for that item
2. Automation triggers
3. Automation action 1: Create a new record in "Inventory" and stamp in the relevant pieces of data that were keyed in at step 1, e.g. "EX Rate"
4. Automation action 2: Create a new record in "Received" and stamp in the relevant pieces of data that were keyed in at step 1, e.g. "Weight CT", and also link it to the record created from step 3

If so, I've updated the base to show you how I'd handle that!  Could you take a look and let me know where I might have gotten it wrong?

Thank you so much - I did not think to create Intial : Product id in the New item table. The amount of hours I tried to get this right - Thank you so much!