Jan 30, 2022 06:52 PM
The automation is simple:
How/can you include some of the record fields in the email?
I’ve tried the Attachments +Add option but can’t get the {Insert} button to stay active after choosing some fields.
Looking for this:
“A new signup has occurred on Airtable.”
URL to Record: {recordURL}
Name: {what they entered}
Address: {what they entered}
Service: {what they entered}
Jan 31, 2022 09:26 AM
In the send email action, look for this plus sign in the message window.
Does that help or did I misunderstand?
Feb 02, 2022 06:43 AM
Ah yes. Thanks so much :raised_hands:
I was going down and clicking in the Record (from Step 1…) line where “continue” pops up
Added some fields as you suggested ✓.
adding the URL doesn’t seem to work…
it would be helpful for the office staff to be able to click through to the new record
Jul 12, 2022 02:49 AM
Great tip augmented, thank you. It took me hours to find why I couldn’t get ‘Insert’ to activate - same problem as Steve_Chiasson describes.