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Re: Can a schedule trigger be defined by a record?

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6 - Interface Innovator

TLDR: Can you have an automation trigger that is a scheduled date be changed by data in a record?

I was telling a friend about airtable and she asked me how hard it would be to have a notification email go out based on data in her record(s).  She was thinking about using airtable to define different appliances and systems in her airbnb's, and wanted to define data for an HVAC system (there may be several) that has air filters (of which one system may have 1 or more) and have the reminder be sent after say, 3 months.  If she doesn't get around to changing it until month 4, she wants to have the form allow her to say "yes, changed on this date, remind me again in another 3 months" Of course, that's the human talk description, I know it would actually be checkboxes and dropdowns.  She may change one sooner if she had lots of clients, but she doesn't want the notification "every 3 months", but rather, every 3 months after her last change.

Jeff Johnson
President, ChattLab Makerspace
5 Replies 5

I think you could accomplish this by creating a view filtering on the condition then trigger the automation on when a record enters the view.  

So... extending what you are suggesting, perhaps have a daily run task that sees if the current date is after a scheduled date and then add a row to trigger the notification?

Jeff Johnson
President, ChattLab Makerspace

Yeap you could, but how you set it up may vary.  Here's how I'd handle it.

You'd have a table which logged each change for each HVAC:

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.56.20 AM.png
Which would allow you to rollup the latest change date for each system with "MAX(values)", and have a formula field add 3 months to that for the reminder date, and you could trigger an automation by having the condition "Reminder date = Today" to send out an email:

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.58.28 AM.png
I'd also set it up so that the email sent out a prefilled form link so that she could fill it out too, and the "Update" button provides an example of that

This way she'd just click the link and key in the date without needing to select the HVAC that she's being emailed about

Link to base

Sorry I didn't get back to this, the storm disrupted some travel plans so I had to cover.  I think Adam has a solution that would work and takes into consideration the second part of your question which I had skipped over.  Good luck and thanks Adam.

So, to be clear, your suggesting having the daily schedule to check the date each time?  I had 2 posts, and I'm assuming you're replying to the 2nd one.   Thanks.

Jeff Johnson
President, ChattLab Makerspace