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Sep 26, 2024 09:44 AM
I am working on a service workflow that would require me to send estimates for projects. I can set up an automation to send a single estimate at a time but Im struggling to find a way to send multiple estimate in a single automation to a client with multiple project requests.
Sep 26, 2024 10:03 AM
If each estimate corresponds to a single record, you need to add a "find records" action in your automation to collect all records that should be considered and use the result of this action in your mail content.
Sep 26, 2024 01:16 PM
Thanks @Pascal_Gallais-I think that is only part of the solution. So I need to find records that have a status of "Ready for Estimate" AND are tied to the same client. Im trying to avoid sending individual estimate for each project when a client might have 1 or two they have requested from us.
Sep 26, 2024 06:49 PM
Hmm, @Pascal_Gallais- 's solution works fine for that
Your "Find Record" action would look for records with the correct Status and are linked to the client in question, and you'd send the results of that as a Grid or a List in your email as needed?
Sep 27, 2024 12:59 AM
Here are a few screen captures to illustrate.
Table Project
Table project is linked to table client
Table client
"Send mail" is a checkbox to trigger the automation
"Last mail action" tracks when automation was last run for a given record:
Triggered when "Send mail" is checked on client table:
"Find records" action on table project for selected client and where status is "Ready for estimate":
"Send an email" action:
"To" and "Subject" get information from the client table's record that triggered the automation
Mail content is a grid coming from the "Find records" action:
Last update action is there to reset field "Send Mail" on client table:
Here is what the mail looks like when testing the automation: