Dec 21, 2022 06:50 PM
I would like to run an automation to create the next 7 day scheduling, adding the next 7 working days in calander
it would be best if i can copy the last most recent row values as well, but some fields will not be copied
at minimum i would like to run a scrip to add the next 7 days
The last date is 25th Dec, i would like the script to add 7 rows
Dec 21, 2022 09:47 PM
How would you want to trigger the script?
Dec 21, 2022 09:54 PM
i would like to run the script on the extention page so it will add the row depending on the view
Dec 23, 2022 01:14 AM
So you want to create the next 7 working days as empty records or do they have to be filled with data VIA the script?
If you just want to automatically always have the next 7 days you could to a scheduled automation run.
On each monday at 1am,
Create a js script that collects the current day, then for each iteration increment with one.
Do you need help creating the script?
Dec 25, 2022 10:58 PM
Yes i would need help on the scripting
Merry Christmas btw