Jul 16, 2024 08:27 AM
I have a field generating an email for each person on a list: CONCATENATE( {First Name},".",{Last Name},"@Gmail.Com") This formula creates a First.Last@Gmail.com list in my "Resource email:" field.
The issue is, when I create an automation to send an email to the "Resource email:" field, it throws an error, showing that the email it read for that field was just ".@gmail.com". It's not detecting the first or last within the automation. The automation is set up as "when a record is created" currently as well.
Any help on getting the email field to read correctly?
Jul 16, 2024 10:24 AM
Can you check whether the {First Name} and {Last Name} fields have values at the moment when the automation is triggered? For example, if you trigger the automation when the record is created, those fields might be created blank and are only filled in a few seconds later when you type the name, which is after the automation is triggered. If the names are manually typed in, you also cannot use a "when field is not blank" condition because a field becomes not blank as soon as the first character is typed, but before the name is fully entered.
Jul 24, 2024 08:08 AM
The {First Name} and {Last Name} fields are generated by a formula, not an automation, so they are already populated before the automation runs. The issue is, the automation isn't seeing anything and just filling in as if they are blank..