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Re: Limit of automation runs reached ?

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I've got an issue with my account, as Airtable is displaying that I reached my automation limit (50.000 / 50.000)

Actually, I only have one active automation in my whole workspace, triggered by the creation of a record, and I only create approximatively a dozen record a day.

I dont understand how my limit can be reached that quickly, and apparently this is the case every month, my automation limit is reached after 2 or 3 days.

Have you already faced something like that ?


I currently have the Pro Plan, and I don't know if this is the good place to reach someone that can fix my problem and more importantly explain to me why this is happening.


Thanks you very much !

3 Replies 3

Sounds like you have one of two cases:

- There are automations running that you are unaware of.

- There is a bug on Airtable’s side. 

If it is a bug on Airtable’s side, your only recourse is to contact Airtable support. But you might not get much support on a pro plan. 

On the other hand, searching for rogue automation runs is straightforward, although very tedious and time consuming. Open every base and look at the automation in each base. Maybe you have a forgotten scheduled automation running in some forgotten base. 

8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

Hey @maximecomet ,  @kuovonne  had some excellent points, and to add some additional detail, you can review your automations and their 'run history' to see a detailed record of when and how many times your automations have run. (Screenshot below). If there really are only 12 or so runs per day, this could give you ammunition when talking with Airtable support . Or like Kuovonne suggested, maybe you've got a rogue automation that's got an itchy trigger finger running in the background. Either way this should help illuminate the situation. 

And remember, each workspace can have multiple bases, and each base can have multiple automations. So may take some digging to find the culprit. Good luck!

Screenshot 2023-11-03 110423.png

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thanks @kuovonne & @Arthur_Tutt ,

Sadly, I already have checked all by bases and no forgotten automation;
and I also am aware of the Run history that helped me.

So I guess I will have to find a solution to contact Airtable support 😕 
Thanks for your help !