I am trying to create a script so it will give me a running total for a base view on certain columns.
For example.
My brokerage I want to make a top 5 in different categories on our interfase. From what I am seeing I can not add columbs up so I created views for each agent. Within those views I was hoping to have an automation that searches the view every so often and runs a script to talley up the totals in a columb and then the automation will update the number on another base acocrding to that agent.
So Agent is Mary White
on our brokerage tracker I made a Mary White View.
Set up a automation to Find All records for Mary White in her view
Set up a script to run totals for Columns "total sales" , "total commissions" Total Unites and so forth
Script enters total into selected field in leaderboard base under designated agent and this is automatically updated every day. through the same sequence.
Am I on the right track? If so can someone help me write the script because I have been looking at the script formula it generated for an hour and it makes no sense how to fill in the fields ha ha