
Submission form triggers archived image

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Hello brilliant people! I have views of Airtable image libraries that are embedded within an internal site, which my Designers share between teams. Designers can also add to these libraries by submitting an Airtable form. I want them to have the option to replace and ultimately “archive” duplicate images, without then needing to jump into the Airtable base.
So, I added the following to the intake form:

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 8.27.47 PM.png

Which looks like this in the Airtable Base:

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 6.49.21 PM.jpg

This is what I want to happen.. but I can’t get the automation to work.

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 6.49.22 PM copy 2.jpg

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 6.49.22 PM copy 4.jpg

Here's what my automations look like:

step 01.gif

Step 02.gif

Step 03.gif

Also, is there a way that I can change the preview in this dropdown (within the Airtable form) to include image thumbnails? 

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 8.28.44 PM.png

Thanks so much! 🙏

1 Reply 1

In your "Find Record" action, you want it to look for the record in "Image Libraries" where the name of the record is the same as the name of the record that was selected during the form submission

In your "Update Record" action, you then want to use the record ID from the "Find Record" action.  If you can link me to an example base I can set it up for you real quick

> Also, is there a way that I can change the preview in this dropdown (within the Airtable form) to include image thumbnails? 
Unfortunately, no.  I think some third party Airtable form software might do this though, so you may want to checkout On2Air Forms, miniExtension forms, Fillout etc